2020 Conference Sponsorship

The 2020 Virtual NC NOW State Conference will seek SPONSORS instead of having a silent auction or program ads.

Individuals, business owners, and organizations are invited to Sponsor our Conference. Sponsors will be featured in the conference program, on the NC NOW website, and during the conference. They will also be listed in the program.

Registration for one or more is included with sponsorship (if for more, please make arrangements with us at nownorthcarolina@gmail.com). If you want to mail your sponsorship in, use the Sponsorship Form 2020 NC NOW Conference.

Levels of sponsorship:

233rd Anniversary of the U.S. Constitution………..…………………………$ 233.00



100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment..………………………………….$ 100.00



55th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965………………………….$  55.00



* Feminist’s Choice, $30 or more …………………………………..……………$ _______



We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

If you have reached this page as a result of filling in the state conference registration form at https://bit.ly/3hzy81p, you are done.

If you reached this page directly (without registering for the conference at https://bit.ly/3hzy81p), please fill in the following section to tell us who you are, and your organization name, if the sponsorship is representing an organization. Also, registration is included with sponsorship, so please go ahead and register if you plan to attend either Oct 9 or Oct 10 or both.