Dreadful Dobbs Decision Day Rally – 6/24/24

Two years after the Deadly and Dreadful Dobbs Decision (6/24/22), abortion bans are rampant. The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) upended almost 50 years of precedent with this terrible decision. Since then, fourteen states, primarily in the Midwest and South, have banned nearly all abortions. Three other states have 6 week bans (which stop abortions when the pregnancy has been there less than a month, and most women don’t know they are pregnant). North Carolina did a 12 week ban which includes more onerous policy that makes it much more difficult to get abortions in many ways.

We are taking this opportunity to talk about what the abortion bans are doing to women and girls forced to give birth, women and girls who have miscarriages where the bans interfere with care, doctors and staff forced to not do their jobs properly, and more. Come protest the mangling of our rights, bring signs and fury to the Legislative Building in Raleigh!

Join us on Monday, Jun 24, at 3pm on the SE corner of the Legislative Building for speeches and picketing.

What: Dreadful Dobbs Decision Rally
Where: Legislative Building at 16 West Jones St.
Starting off with speakers on the corner of the building at Jones and Wilmington Sts.
When: Monday, Jun 24, 3pm-5pm
What to bring: Signs showing your opinions, t-shirts with related ideas or groups you support (Roe is not enough, Forward NOW Not Back, etc)
Where to park: Try the parking lot at the corner of Jones St. and Wilmington St. Or park in the Oakwood neighborhood for free and walk.
Organized by: NC NOW and ERA-NC Alliance

Other consequences of the abortion bans include doctors leaving these states, fewer doctors doing their residency in these states, and more.

Monday, Jun 24 is the second anniversary of the deadly DobbsvJackson Supreme Court Decision which undid the Roe v Wade decision that had been safeguarding the right to safe and legal abortion for almost 50 years.

Shortlink: https://wp.me/p22b2e-4IH

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