“Brazen Belles” – Free Online Screening – 3/26/24 to 3/28/24

Triad NOW president and colleague Audrey Muck is inviting all to a special screening of “Brazen Belles.” “Brazen Belles” is a documentary Audrey made about women’s rights activists in South Carolina. Audrey is also Producer/Director, Muddy Creek Studios.

Wilmington Women’s Rally with Pix – 3/16/24

Congratulations to WOW (Women Organizing for Wilmington) on another successful rally on Saturday March 16th in Wilmington NC. Over 200 people attended the women’s rally, which included a rally at Innes Park in Wilmington, and then Karaoke at The Bodega. The rally was full of passion, people (mostly women), and great information.

Women’s Assemblies on 3/16/24

Women in Central NC and at the NC coast moved their women’s events to Saturday, March 16. You can go to Southern Pines or to Wilmington to hear about women’s issues and march and rally in solidarity with women. Gerrie Richards from NC NOW will speak on Dobbs and ERA in Southern Pines. Marla BarthenContinue reading “Women’s Assemblies on 3/16/24”

NOW “She Changed The World” Posters Up At CH Library (March 2022)

On February 29, 2020, the Chapel Hill and Durham chapters of the National Organization for Women (NOW) hosted an opening reception for the “She Changed the World” poster display at the Chapel Hill Public Library, CHPL. Ten exceptional local women were honored with this project. Unfortunately, the library as well as all public buildings, schools, and many businesses were soon closed as the Covid 19 pandemic swept across the country. Two years later the posters have returned to the CHPL as part of Women’s History Month! They can be seen on the wall adjacent to the lower entrance during regular library hours.