Legislative Update, 5/4/24: Inappropriate Candidates In Their Own Words

Even in trials he is losing, former President Trump manages to monopolize much of the media coverage. Even though he’s telling us how authoritarian and punitive he would be in a second term, some people still plan to vote for him. In North Carolina, we have our own share of controversial candidates – starting withContinue reading “Legislative Update, 5/4/24: Inappropriate Candidates In Their Own Words”

Because Equal Means Equal and Waiting Means Never -Alice Crenshaw, 8/19/23

Alice Crenshaw entertained and inspired attendees of the Equali-Tea event in Fayetteville with her speech on ERA, “Because Equal Means Equal and Waiting Means Never!”. Alice is Communications Director for the national Equal Means Equal organization. Also see the documentary by the same name, “Equal Means Equal.” Alice also came up with templates of EqualContinue reading “Because Equal Means Equal and Waiting Means Never -Alice Crenshaw, 8/19/23”

Articles on Women’s Issues for 6/7/23

Articles on Black Maternal Mortality, Abortion Rights, happenings in the NCGA including ramifications for lawmakers making racist comment, exploring actions in response to lawmaker deserting her constituents by deserting party, and more. Pregnancy-related deaths pre-2016, according to CDC.

Cook: Legislative Update on Anti-Trans Bills 5/7/23

A number of bills have been running through North Carolina’s House and Senate this session that affect transgender youth. In fact, 6 bills were introduced on the day that Rep. Tricia Cotham switched parties. You may remember that one of Cotham’s campaign promises was supporting the LGBTQ community. As of May 7, 2023, both theContinue reading “Cook: Legislative Update on Anti-Trans Bills 5/7/23”

Legislative Update 5/7/23: Transgender-Related Bills That Made Crossover

A number of bills have been filed and are moving in North Carolina’s House and Senate this session that affect transgender youth. As of May 7, 2023, both the House and Senate have passed bills related to transgender medical support, including bans on medicine, treatment, or surgery for young people. Both chambers have also justContinue reading “Legislative Update 5/7/23: Transgender-Related Bills That Made Crossover”

Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson In His Own Words

Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson regularly says shocking and offensive things. He speaks out at churches, at conventions, and now he’s written a memoir. He holds the second highest statewide office in North Carolina and said in 2021 that he “is fairly certain he will run for Governor in 2024.” However, based on what has written and said (also recorded on videos), he looks down on much of the population of our state – women alone being more than half the state, LGBTQ people, and Jews among them. We recognize that many other religious and non-profit organizations are not calling him out for his misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, bigotry, anti-Semitism, and more. Here are some examples of Robinson in his own words.

Corporations and Event Planners Need To Support Women And Abortion Access

You may have noticed how corporations and sports leagues, conference organizers, and more, support LGBTQ rights but are not really supporting women’s ability to control their own lives. North Carolina introduced a terrible discriminatory and dangerous bill in 2016, HB 2, nicknamed the “Bathroom Bill.” HB2 was ostensibly written to require that people used publicContinue reading “Corporations and Event Planners Need To Support Women And Abortion Access”

Greggs: Don’t Check Me, Check Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson

Mark Robinson is the first African American to occupy the second highest position in North Carolina government as Lieutenant Governor. Normally electing the first African American to hold a NC Council of State office would be a reason for many to celebrate, especially other African Americans like me. But if you are a woman whoContinue reading “Greggs: Don’t Check Me, Check Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson”

People Calling On Lt. Gov to Apologize or Resign

Many people are calling on Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson to apologize or resign for his discriminatory and backward views. NC NOW is joining the chorus. Many groups have marched and rallied and gone from trying to speak with Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson to asking him to apologize to telling him to resign. Here are links to coverage.

Press Release: NC NOW calls on Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson to Resign

North Carolina National Organization for Women (NC NOW) joins the chorus calling for the resignation of North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson for remarks he made regarding the LGBTQIA community in June, referring to homosexuality and transgenderism as “filth”. Robinson made similar comments Oct. 1 at another event. We expect our elected officials to represent everybody. Lt. Governor Robinson’s remarks have shown that he cannot respect all of his constituents.  We call on Lt. Governor Robinson to resign his position.