SROs and School Safety Panel Summary – 12/14/23

Summary of panel conversation on School Resource Officers (SROs) and School Safety on Dec 14, 2023, in Raleigh. Sponsored by the TBO Tikkun Olam Committee (Social Action Committee).

Press Conf: Coalition Speaks Out Against Bad Bills That Made Crossover – 5/10/23 at 10am

The We Are NC coalition has planned a press conference on Wednesday, May 10, at 10am, to give diverse community groups and organizations a chance to explain how bad some of the bills are that are allowed to continue to become law in North Carolina. Members of We Are NC include grassroots groups and organizationsContinue reading “Press Conf: Coalition Speaks Out Against Bad Bills That Made Crossover – 5/10/23 at 10am”

Healing Justice Series with Fayetteville NOW and Coalition – 2023

A community coalition in Fayetteville including Fayetteville NOW hosts a 3 part series discussing the trauma and damage our system of punishment imposes and what people and organizations can do to create a healing process through restorative justice.

Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson In His Own Words

Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson regularly says shocking and offensive things. He speaks out at churches, at conventions, and now he’s written a memoir. He holds the second highest statewide office in North Carolina and said in 2021 that he “is fairly certain he will run for Governor in 2024.” However, based on what has written and said (also recorded on videos), he looks down on much of the population of our state – women alone being more than half the state, LGBTQ people, and Jews among them. We recognize that many other religious and non-profit organizations are not calling him out for his misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, bigotry, anti-Semitism, and more. Here are some examples of Robinson in his own words.

North Carolina NOW Legislative Update – 13 September 2021

Yes, the legislature is still in session.  And, no, there is still no agreement between the House and the Senate on the budget.  Can we look forward to an agreement soon?  No, because Senate leader Phil Berger has said that we should not expect a budget until the end of September or the beginning of October. But his prediction will need to be updated because there has been a complicating development.

Virtual Campus ERA Day National Event- April 27,2020

The ERA Coalition and ERA-NC Alliance partners (including NC NOW) would like to invite you to the Fourth Annual Campus Equal Rights Amendment Day taking place on April 27, 2020 from 6:00-7:30 pm EST at Roosevelt House, Hunter College. Join from where you are via Zoom. This program is designed to accommodate students all across the country. Feel free to forward and share with any students and teachers you know who may be interested.

Equality Day Observance with Fayetteville NOW – 8/25/19

Join us in for the re-enactment of the 1848 Women’s Convention held in Seneca Falls, New York, and the presentation of the Parade of Suffragists. The Women’s Convention is regarded as the beginning of the modern feminist movement, and the parade is to highlight profiles of feminists from the past two centuries. This play was written by Fayetteville NOW member Ethelyn Holden.

Voices from the Coverage Gap Event on 8/27/19 with Raleigh NOW

“Living without health insurance is like playing Russian Roulette with your life.” Jesse, Moore County. All over our State, many North Carolinians are unable to get the medical care they need because they don’t have any health coverage. Rebecca Cerese, the Health Engagement Coordinator for the NC Justice Center, amplifies their stories, in hopes of creating real policy change. She will be sharing some of these stories and discussing ways we can work together to fix this problem.