It’s time to give women a raise (2024)

Women’s Equal Pay Day is March 6, 2024 this year. That means it takes women until a few months into 2024 to make what men made in 2023. NOW’s Pat Reuss says, “Thanks to the labor movement for supporting equal pay. This list should shame our nation and inspire our politicians to remedy this economic inequity…butContinue reading “It’s time to give women a raise (2024)”

Social Media Storms to Announce Equal Pay Days for 2023

All the equal pay day dates have been set for this year, except for AANHPI (Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander) equal pay day, which is tbd. Women’s organizations will raise awareness on each equal pay day through a national social media storm from 11am-12pm PST/2-3pm EST. Information from This post will help usContinue reading “Social Media Storms to Announce Equal Pay Days for 2023”

RBG and Women’s Reproductive Rights

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) always took an uncompromising stand for women’s reproductive rights.  Today more than ever, what Ginsburg called a woman’s right not to be “treated as less than a fully adult human” is in jeopardy. As you are reading this, soon to be former President Trump’s dream Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) is hard at work trying to take away our right to choose. See “Supreme Court OKs White House Request To Limit Abortion Pill Access During Pandemic,” 1/13/21, NPR. One thing to do is sign on to the annual NC NOW ad supporting Roe v Wade, in the Indy weekly. Another is to pressure the Biden Administration to fix this as soon as possible.

Coronavirus Exposes NC Unemployment Benefit Cruelty, Worse Burden on Women

The coronavirus is a catastrophe for low paid workers. With women filling the majority of these jobs, the tragedy of unemployment and the lack of adequate unemployment insurance will fall disproportionately on them. NC’s meager unemployment compensation program is both callous and bad for the economy. The NCGA must fix these deficiencies in unemployment compensation and improve situations for women and families with laws to help them survive the pandemic and beyond.

Easy action to help Expand Medicaid in NC (June 2019)

Do this and be part of something bigger (From Coalition on health care in NC):
Make a sign telling your lawmaker why Health Care Can’t Wait. Snap a selfie holding your sign. Email it to to be included in a slideshow showcasing the actions across the state to push out on social media. Please include your location in the email.

NC NOW Legislative Update #10 – 8 April 2019 – Two Pro-women Bills Introduced

Week 10, another bad abortion bill was introduced, this bill also does not hold up under scientific scrutiny.  Also, NCGA interference in law enforcement, as they threaten Sheriffs with massive fines to force them to work as extensions of ICE. Two positive bills were filed – the North Carolina Equal Pay Act and the Enact NC Healthy Pregnancy Act. In the full legislative update, you can see summary and status of the list of bills NC NOW is tracking.

ERA: Alyssa Milano Wants It. How About You?

Women have been working to get equal rights in the United States for 170 years! Too many people don’t realize women don’t have equal rights. Why is ERA catching fire now? What will it do for women and families? How can you help? North Carolina women are pushing now and pushing hard! Learn more and join the effort! Alyssa Milano is in!

Raising Minimum Wage Helps Women More! 3/19/19 Press Conference

Lawmakers, workers, business owners to announce legislation on 3/19/19 raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour over five years, ending sub-minimum wages, repealing exemptions for agricultural and domestic workers. This $15in5 bills has been introduced before in NC, and would help women more than anyone else.

Grimes: Fayetteville NOW Partners with Fayetteville State University in 2019

Fayetteville NOW has partnered with Fayetteville State University (FSU) in presentations and projects. This includes opening dialogue during class, and will include outside events, including at least one the students designed themselves. 

International Women’s Day Luncheon with Triad NOW, 3/9/19

Triad NOW is hosting its first International Women’s day Luncheon on Saturday, 3/9/19, from noon to 2:30pm. They have a “knock your socks off” presentation by Purity Ruchugo from Kenya, an inspiring multi-media presentation about international women activists by Iris Cole, and an international menu.