North Carolina NOW Legislative Update – 16 August 2021

Senate Bill 35 has passed the House and has been placed on the Senate calendar for final approval on August 16. This bill raises the marriage age to 16 under all circum-stances, including pregnancy, requires parental consent for marriage at age 16 or 17, and further requires that there must be no more than a 4-year age difference between the parties to allow marriage under age 18.  The bill is expected to pass. Currently, children as young as 14 can marry in this state, a situation that has made North Carolina a go-to state for child marriages.  Last year, for example, two-thirds of marriage license applications in Buncombe County, a county that includes Asheville, were from out-of staters seeking to marry underage partners.  We are finally ready to close the book on that ugly chapter.  Also talking about state budget, Governor Cooper’s priorities, and how state budget defectors take leverage away from the governor.

Vigils Around NC Honoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg – After 9/18/20

Our beloved Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away on Friday, September 18, 2020. A vigil naturally happened at the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) that night. Vigils have since popped up around the country and in NC. Here are some, including one organized by Triad NOW President Ana Tampanna.

Event Summary: Many Issues with State Budget, Not Medicaid Alone

A coalition of organizations held a community conversations event “Public Education, Medicaid Expansion and the State Budget” in Fayetteville on Thursday, 7/25/19. Attendees heard from many very well qualified speakers on two panels – the first panel included community leaders, doctors, patients on need for Medicaid Expansion and returning public education to place of importance in state,  and the second panel included  some history of Medicaid expansion in NC and current shenanigans and chances with past and present lawmakers. Read more about panelists and areas covered.

Medicaid Expansion Vigils around NC on 6/5/19

Many organizations including NC NOW are joining the North Carolina Justice Center Health Advocacy Project in simultaneous vigils all over the state demanding expansion of Medicaid on Wednesday, June 5, 2019.  The importance of expanding Medicaid cannot be overstated.  Without health care people die.

#SaveScotus and #SaveRoe Town Hall Summaries – Aug 2018

The last two town hall events of the #SaveScotus/#SaveRoe across the state were the last week of August, 2018. Here is a summary of both, with pictures.

Stop Kavanaugh Events Around NC – starting 9/4/18

Events around the state starting 9/4/18, timed with the start of confirmation hearings of Judge Brett Kavanaugh for US Supreme Court. Kavanaugh is an extremist and would be devastating to all kinds of people and the environment. Link to action as well.

53rd Anniversary of Medicaid and Medicare – 7/30/18

July 30, 2018 is the 53rd anniversary of President Lyndon B. Johnson signing the bill that led to Medicare and Medicaid into law. The programs were intended in part to remove racial segregation practiced by hospitals and other health care facilities at the time. Read about both programs here.

Trump Administration Attacks Women via ACA and Title X Changes

How Trump Administration changes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and to Title X will hurt women. Here are many things people may not realize about women and health insurance. You will be shocked that women were charged more as a matter of course (called gender rating) and what was considered a pre-existing condition before ACA. You will also be shocked what this domestic Gag Rule will do.