MLK Marches In Triangle, Raleigh and Chapel Hill on Jan 16

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is Monday, January 16, 2023. Many events are on Monday but others are over the weekend. It is wonderful to see organizations and religious institutions hosting events to honor, remember and celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. NOW members tend to like action, so hereContinue reading “MLK Marches In Triangle, Raleigh and Chapel Hill on Jan 16”

Stop Kavanaugh Events Around NC – starting 9/4/18

Events around the state starting 9/4/18, timed with the start of confirmation hearings of Judge Brett Kavanaugh for US Supreme Court. Kavanaugh is an extremist and would be devastating to all kinds of people and the environment. Link to action as well.

Why nominee Neil Gorsuch is bad for the US Supreme Court

NOW Urges that ​Senator(s) filibuster the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch and, should a filibuster fail, vote “no”. NC NOW joins with statewide progressive groups on March 20, 2017 to explain why Gorsuch is such a bad choice. Phone script available to help you call your US Senators.

NC NOW Legislative Update #5 – 5 Mar 17

NC NOW’s Legislative Update #5 includes Governor Cooper’s proposed budget, dueling HB2 repeal press conferences, and extreme bills to handle cities and universities trying to protect their residents/students who are immigrants. Lawsuits related to the NCGA are being tracked too.

So many friends old and new at HKonJ, a homegrown phenomenon!

Some pictures showing the diversity and size of the HKonJ march and rally this year. Also a link to the many excellent speeches at the assembly.

Women’s Equality Day screening of ‘Equal Means Equal’ in NC – 2016

“Equal Means Equal” is a must-see! Pulls you in right away. Do you remember these terrible quotes? Recent past, people. See the trailer here! Then see the whole documentary! Coming out official on Sept 6, 2016. Early showing on Aug 26.